Tuesday 17 June 2014


First impressions can really be the last impression sometime. Here is what you need to avoid on that first date. So you have got a big date? Well, here is what you should avoid if you want this to go anywhere. Poor manners: Lets get this clear, ladies still like gentlemen and if have your manners right, you are sure to score high. Be chivalrous, soft spoken and be at your gentleman best. Be nice to people when you are out there with her. That will let her know you are soft hearted. Practice good table manners. If you are out for dinner, it is important that you order what she likes to eat. Taking charge of the situation with the order is not the right move. Be mindful of using your hands carefully, toothpicks and napkins. That will make you look more particular and careful as a person. Let her do the talking is yet another idea that will surely maker her like you. But don't let the conversation go one sided. Make sure you are listening to her and genuinely interested in her conversation. Give your inputs at the right time, show interest and be involved. Let your mobile be for the entire evening. Turning on the silent mode would be the best. You can do all the calling and texting for later. Give your complete attention to her, everyone likes attention. Do not compare your date with your exes. Many people tend to make that grave mistake and end up hurting the building relation. People are different and no one is the same. There are chances that if you start comparing you will lose the chance of looking at the positive qualities of the one you are on a date with. Follow up properly. If you want to see the girl again then tell her precisely. Vague follow ups can be dangerous. You want her to know that you are a genuinely interested and want to see her again.

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