Saturday 4 October 2014

check Out The World’s First Baby Born After A Womb Transplant!

The baby boy, in perfect health, left, was born to a 36-year-old Swedish woman in Gothenburg who was born without a womb but carried her baby in a womb donated by a 61-year-old woman. Details about the baby’s birth were revealed after his arrival remained a secret until now. He was born by Caesarean section a month ago with experts at Gothenburg University, top right, saying another six women given new wombs are also pregnant. More pictures after the break

The mother and the baby boy pictured just after his birth. He was born weighing 4lbs after his mother received a womb transplant

Mats Brannstrom and his team performing a womb transplant on a woman earlier this year. Another six women given new wombs are also said to be pregnant
The team behind the womb transplants who are, from left – surgeons Andreas G Tzakis, Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Mats Brannstrom, Michael Olausson and Liza Johannesson

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