Thursday 10 July 2014

see the spider that causes four hours

There’s a funky little spider in Brazil. Its venom gives male victims hours-long erections. How cool is that?
Apparently the spider’s venom doesn’t kill. It just causes pain and gives guys major erections. In other words: best. . . practical. . . joke. . . ever.
I wonder if you can order a jar of those spiders over the Internet. I don’t know anything about spider venom, but let’s say for the sake of this blog that you can squeeze a spider with a pair of pliers and get some venom for your evil purposes. Then slip that venom into an unsuspecting victim’s drink. The key to this prank is picking the right victim at the right time. Some examples spring to mind:
- Groom before the ceremony
- Presidential candidate before a debate
- Teacher before sex education class
- Major league pitcher in game seven of the World Series
- Ballet star before a performance
- Priest before communion
- Host before a toddler beauty pageant
- Olympic wrestler before a match
If you owned a sheep farm, this would be an excellent prank to play on job applicants. “We had to fire that last guy because he liked the sheep too much, if you know what I mean. Anyway, have a beverage and let me show you the herd.”
Do you have any more prank suggestions?

There is nothing pleasant about spiders. OK, I know that isn't the PC, nature-loving thing to say, but the fact is, spiders terrify a lot of people. And I am among them.
Want to know what else terrifies me? A four-hour erection.
Now, these two horrors of the modern world are colliding into one gigantic terror-fest. Yes, sir. Now you can get your four-hour erection courtesy of a spider bite from the armed spider, AKA banana spider or Phoneutria nigriventer, which is native to South and Central America. According to scientist Dr. Kenia Nunes:
The venom of the Phoneutria nigriventer spider is a very rich mixture of several molecules. These molecules are called toxins, and then we have various toxins in this venom with different activity. Because of this, when a human is bitten by this spider, we can observe many different symptoms including priapism, a condition in which the penis is continually erect.
And now they're telling us this is a good thing.
Ladies, if you're worried about your impotent man trying something like this, don't even give it a second thought! According to the curator of arachnids at the University of Washington’s Burke Museum, Rod Crawford, only 10 humans out of 7,000 have died from its bite. Isn't that comforting?
This is hardly the first weird, slightly unhinged thing that has been proposed as a means to enhance sexual pleasure.

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