Thursday 28 August 2014

Woman Shoots Her Boyfriend For ‘Not Ejaculating Enough’ During Sex (PICTURED)

A Michigan woman convicted earlier this year of shooting her lover in the stomach has been granted bond, set at $10,000. The prosecutor called the facts of the case “a little bizarre,” which is a polite understatement: 58-year-old Sadie Bell said she shot the man when she suspected him of cheating because he didn’t produce enough ejaculate when they had sex that night.
Woman Who Shot Her Man for Being a Weak Ejaculator May Get Out on Bail
“She also said to the police some very graphic things about how she expected him to perform, she was a cheap date, she liked sex, she expected him to be able to do what he’s promised; and she said, in essence, to quote her, she was pissed off, so she shot him,” Oakland County prosecutor Paul Walton told Detroit’s WWJ.

The victim and alleged weak producer of semen, Edward Lee, suffered damage to his colon and pancreas. Prosecutors say he nearly died.
Lee was technically cheating, but not on Bell. The two of them had been carrying on a 15-year affair.
Bell was accused in 1991 of shooting her then-husband, but he refused to testify against her, and she was never convicted.
As of Thursday, she had yet to post the $10,000 cash bond. Prosecutors are in the process of challenging it, saying it never should have been granted.

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